last weekend, emme and i took a road trip to luverne, al. the friendliest city in the south. true story. there is a sign that says so as you're entering the big city limits. although, something tells me that even though they're friendly to your face, a lot of chit chatting goes on behind your back at "the chicken shack."
anywho! the purpose of our adventure was to pay miss "sarah" a little vist and we did just that. i love plundering though thrift stores. you never know what fun things you may find.
the mini me got her first taste of good junk heaven and she had an absolute blast. i do believe her high five proves it. (one of e's new favorite things to do, HAND OUT HIGH FIVES!) no worries sweet girl, there will be many, many more of trips like this to come.
i only managed to take a couple of pictures. after our outing, i realized how desperately i need to invest in a compact umbrella stroller. long gone are the days where i could put her down and she'd sit right there. the mini me is a movin' and a groovin' along. all to the beat of her own drum.
a few vintage sewing patterns plus one to-die-for mirror, euquals one tiny tuckered out thrifter.